Saturday, March 13, 2010

Pied Piper of

My entry for the contest called "Pimp This Sketch" at www.polykarbonbbs.comThere was this cat character so I was considering some background to it. I realized that cats hunt mice and knew that the Pied Piper did the same so I somehow wanted to connect those two concepts (I have always wanted to paint the Piper). The kids, as well as the cat, wear masks since that's what the whole story is about (also historically). The piper was supposed to get rid of rats but later took the children too. When I was younger the story really creeped me out. The piper was such a mysterious character, partly really scary but on the other hand there was still something attracting to him. Now I consider it one of the best tales ever. Has the right amount of magic, mystery and fear in a pretty solid story.

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